👨👧👧Un augurio speciale ai nostri papà!
🎁 In occasione di questa giornata dedicata a questa importantissima figura genitoriale abbiamo pensato di fare una panoramica del ruolo che il papà svolge all’interno delle nostre famiglie, in quanto spesso ci si concentra solo sul ruolo materno tralasciando questo contributo fondamentale.
1. Attili, G. (2001). Il padre come contesto d’attaccamento nello sviluppo del bambino. In M. Andolfi (a cura di), Il padre ritrovato (pp. 119-12). Milano: Franco Angeli,
2. Schaffer, H.R., Emerson, P.E. (1964). The development of social attachments in infancy. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 29(3), 94.
3. Lamb, M.E. (1977). Father-infant and mother-infant interaction in the first year of life. Child Development, 48, 167-181.
4. Belsky, J., Jaffee, S.R., Sligo, J., Woodward, L., Silva, P.A. (2005). Intergenerational transmission of warm-sensitive-stimulating parenting: A prospective study of mothers and fathers of 3-year-olds. Child Development, 76, 384-396.
5. Sagi, A., Lamb, M.E., Gardner, W. (1986). Relations between Strange Situation Behavior and stranger sociability among infants on Israeli kibbutzim. Infant Behavior and Development, 9, 271-282.
6. Bögels, S.M., Perotti, E.C. (2011). Does father know best? A formal model of the paternal influence on childhood social anxiety. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 20, 171-181.
7. Veríssimo, M., Santos, A., Vaughn, B.E., Torres, N., Monteiro, L., Santos, O. (2011). Quality of attachment to father and mother and number of reciprocal friends. Early Child Development and Care, 181(1), 27-38.
8. Michiels, D., Grietens, H., Onghena, P., Kuppens, S. (2010). Perceptions of maternal and paternal attachment security in middle childhood: Links with positive parental affection and psychosocial adjustment. In L. Newland, H. Freeman, D. Coyl (eds.), Emerging topics on father attachment: Considerations in theory, context and development. London: Routledge
9. Flanders, J.L., Leo V., Paquette, D., Pihl, R.O., Séguin, J.R. (2009). Roughand-tumble play and the regulation of aggression: An observational study of father-child play dyads. Aggressive Behavior, 35(4), 285-295.
10. Bögels, S., Phares, V. (2008). Fathers’ role in the etiology, prevention and treatment of child anxiety: A review and new model. Clinical Psychology Review, 28, 539-558.
11. Sagi-Schwartz, A., Aviezer, O. (2005). Correlations of attachment to multiple caregivers in kibbutz children from birth to emerging adulthood: The Haifa Longitudinal Study. In K.E. Grossmann, K. Grossmann, E. Waters (eds.), Attachment from infancy to adulthood (pp. 165-197). New York: Guilford Press.
12. Baldoni, F. (2012). Funzione di base sicura e disturbi affettivi paterni nel periodo perinatale. Psicologia e Psicopatologia del Benessere Bambino, 1 (2), 9-20.
13. Diener, M.L., Isabella, R.A., Behunin, M.G., Wong, M.S. (2008). Attachment to mothers and fathers during middle childhood: Associations with child gender, age, and competence. Social Development, 17, 84-101.